
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The Second experience i had was my favorite and the sweetest moment i had so far here in Jaco! it actually went down on Good Friday! On this day we had the option of either going to the Good Friday service at the church or going out into the streets and doing ATL (Ask the Lord). Justin, A girl named wags and myself all felt that God was leading us to stay out in the streets and minister. So that ended up being our team for the night. So before we headed out we prayed and asked God for a direction or if He had a place for us to go, and during this prayer time God showed me a mental picture of going to this part of the beach we had visited a couple of weeks back. Then when we all got done praying Justin asked if anybody got anything and God told me not to say anything nor could i say what he showed me when he asked. So then Wags said i feel like we “should go this way” which happened to be the direction in which the road which led to the part of the beach God showed me was. Then we walked in that direction for about a half mile then once we got to the road that we needed to turn on in order to go to that part of the beach Wags literally was like “hey guys i feel like we need to go down this road and go to the beach” which was crazy because i never told her what God had shown me concerning the location. So we get to the beach entrance on the part of the beach that God   Had shown me and we could either turn right or left. We decided to go left and as we were walking down the Beach Wags just decided to randomly say Hi to this Lady and Her daughter and it ended up turning into a 2 hour conversation where we each got to share whatever the Holy Spirit put on our hearts to share with them. We got to speak life into their situation as they had been hurt by church and legalism so we got to all remind them of Gods Love for the both of them and His ability to heal their problems within their family. So as we were talking with them God highlighted a scar on her foot from a surgery in her past and told me that there was still pain in her foot that she was struggling with As one of my friends were sharing their heart with them. So eventually my turn to share came around, I don’t really remember all that was said because the Holy spirit was using me to speak nothing of my own strength or thought. However i do remover this part, i Was in the middle of sharing and i happen to be talking about how God wanted intimacy with them and how he speaks to us and desires for us to hear him. Then i was like ” like right now God is literally telling me that your ankle is hurting right now and that He wants to heal it! “And she was like in awe and almost in tears at the power of God of how he cared enough to speak to them and that He revealed that Her foot was in pain! So she let us pray for healing, and over reconciliation within her family, and as i was praying He revealed that He would Heal it over night to prove his Love and that He was reaching out to them the day before as confirmation! Sure enough the next day she texted wags rejoicing of how her foot was healed and that there was no more Pain! It was amazing to see how the Holy Spirit was working and His mission to bring glory to Himself and bring that fresh breeze of the Holy Spirit into the life of those He placed in front of us. It’s also a reminder of how Go’s desires to use His children to be apart of glorifying His name. Not only those on the field but also all those that have gave and sowed seeds finacially into His kingdom work within the World! How awesome is our God? Mighty in Power and full of tender mercies and love for His creation. So stoked to be apart of this!